
Welcome to Mini Games Hub, an offline set of many mini games bundled into one game for visually impaired! This game will provide you with different mini games and endless hours of gameplay until you stop. We developed this game for fun and entertainment, and thank you for visiting!

Warning! Do not play games for a long time which could potentially affect your work. Play games only to get fun for a while, and don't let it affects your work!

If you have any feedbacks let me know using Telegram.


Requirements and Recommendations

Please note that these requirements and recommendations may be updated at any time.


All the links are permanent. Note: all the download counts are calculated only for the latest version.

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This game is completely free. When we speak free, it's a complete free. No fees. However, if you love this game and want to buy me a coffee, you can donate via PayPal, again thanks if you do so, I'd be appreciated!