
Fishing Pole

a Fishing_Pole is useful to caught fish on the ocean’s floor. this, you will get only one fish at a time, but these are more likely to be broken and have to connect it back using a String.

Raw Resources Required

step 1: Grass + Grass

Makes 1 String Note: 1 String = 10 Grass step2: wood + knife Makes 1 Carved Wood Repeat process, Fishing Pole requires 2 Carved wood

step 3: Knife + Carved Wood

Makes 1 Shaft Repeat process, Fishing Pole requires 2 Shaft

step 4: Shaft + Shaft

Makes 1 Long Shaft

step 5: Long Shaft + Branch

Makes 1 Broken Fishing Pole

step 6: Broken Fishing Pole + String

Makes 1 Fishing Pole Note: if string breaks when fishing just repeat step 6