Search – Documentation – UI Navigation

Change language


Zluinav has search built-in. This is a quick overview on how to create your search.


See search configuration

Search Formats

You have a variety of formats to choose for your search.


This format uses the lunr searching method. Note that this must be configured in search according to Zola's documentation. search.js in the static folder provides for elasticlunr. The only disadvantage of this search format is that custom languages cannot be used to index.


This is the default used in Zluinav's demo and is a third party searching tool, and thus it cannot be used in zola serve. Instead, this is best if you run this tool after the build. In short, this tool runs over your HTML files to generate the search, and it only takes up a few seconds.

Setup Pagefind

Setup Pagefind

Do the following to get up and run Pagefind. We'll asume you have Python installed:

  1. Install Pagefind extended version. You can do this by this command. pip install -r pagefind[extended]
  2. Set the search format in the search object.
  3. Build the site. zola build
  4. Generate the search index. Make sure to replace outputdir with the directory where your built files live. python -m pagefind --site outputdir
  • Make sure to add html tag with the lang attribute set if you are building multilingual search.
  • If you want to define where to start searching from, add data-pagefind to a tag like div.

That's it!